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Recycled Water Irrigation Schemes in SA

Virginia Irrigation Scheme

Virginia Irrigation Scheme was the first and largest recycled water scheme of its type in Australia and remains one of the largest in the Southern hemisphere. The Virginia scheme was established in 1999 and distributes about 15 GL per year of highly treated reclaimed water to irrigators in the Virginia area north of Adelaide. This water is produced by a dissolved air flotation / filtration (DAFF) plant fed by treated effluent from the Bolivar Wastewater Treatment Plant. An extension of this scheme  has been constructed including a small booster pumping station and more than 20 kilometres of pipelines of various sizes. The project has increased the reuse from Bolivar wastewater treatment plant from about 29% to 35%.  

Virgina Angle Vale Reuse extension of the Virginia Irrigation Scheme

Factsheet from SA Water (pdf)

Willunga Basin

Willunga Basin Water Company- recycled water irrigation scheme  

McLaren Vale Water Plan planned extension of the Willunga Basin recycled water scheme  

Other Major Projects by SA Water that include recycled water

See SA Water


