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Recycled Water Irrigation Schemes in NSW

Sydney Metro

The amount of recycled water used in greater Sydney varies, depending on the weather and other factors. Sydney Water supplies about 3.8 billion litres of recycled water a year for irrigating farms, golf courses, sportsgrounds,  parks and a racecourse. For more information on current recycled water irrigation schemes and their 2008-2009  recycled water usage see Sydney Water's Water4Life website which has details of various recycled water schemes – including information on irrigated agriculture and amentiy horticulture.

Sydney Olympic Park Water Reclamation and Management Scheme (WRAMS) has a locally-integrated approach to water conservation based on stormwater harvesting, wastewater reprocessing and reducing water demand. 

Regional NSW

Gerringong Gerroa Sewerage Reuse Scheme (pdf) 

Karuah Wastewater Treatment Plant irrigation schemes, Hunter Valley Region – Hunter Water 

Wollongong Golf Club using Recycled Water for Irrigation since 2009 (pdf)
