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Government departments

The following directory of Australian Government Departments provide quick links to further information on the use of recycled water, as it relates to various sources and end uses. Remember to refer to specific quidelines for your state regarding water quality and management obligations specific to your recycled water plans.


New South Wales

Department of Environment, Climate Change and Water  - Water4Life

Department of Health - Environmental Health - Recycled Water


Environment Protection Authority (EPA) Victoria - Recycled Water

Department of Health - Water Recycling and Environmental Health

Department of Sustainability and the Environment - water recycling

Office of Water in the Victorian Department of Sustainability and Environment Living Melbourne Living Water webpage includes information the strategy and how it will deliver multiple benefits, including healthier urban waterways, greener open spaces, reduced urban heat island effect, future water security, and less reliance on rural water.


Department of Environment and Resource Management - Water

Queensland Health - Environmental Health - Water

South Australia

Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) South Australia 

SA Government - Water and the Environment - Recycled Water

Western Australia

Department of Environmental Protection Western Australia


Primary Industries, Water & Environment, Tasmania – Freshwater management resource page

Australian Capital Territory

Territory and Municipal Services, ACT 

Northern Territory

Department of Family and Health





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