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Study toursA number of successful study tours have been previously facilitated by Arris and Atura in relation to recycled water, involving key stakeholders in the recycled water and associated industries. Upcoming toursIf you have an upcoming study tour related to recycled water use and would like to promote it, please contact us. Previous tours2010 Integrated Water Supply Solutions - commissioned by the IWA VictoriaIWA (Institute of Water Administration) commissioned Atura to conduct a study tour on Integrated Water Supply Solutions in June 2010. The study tour investigated the integration of a diversity of water sources when managing regional and urban water supplies into the future; greywater, stormwater, aquifer water, desalinated water, recycled water, reservoir water and rainwater. This study tour provided an opportunity to understand and address these key issues for water industry representatives. Some areas covered were:
TestimonialIWA wishes to acknowledge the contributions of Daryl Stevens and Jodie Hannaford from Atura Pty Ltd for their work in organising a memorable study tour for all delegates. Study Tour report (PDF 4.5 Mb) 2008 Sustainable water sources, innovations and applications - Opportunities for Australia - United Arab Emirates (Dubai), Israel, SpainThis study tour was conducted by Daryl Stevens at Atura and Jim Kelly from Arris. Study Tour Report (PDF 2.8 Mb) . 2005 Recycled Water Study Tour - Singapore, Mexico, USA (California & Florida)This study tour was conducted by Daryl Stevens at Atura and Jim Kelly from Arris. Final Tour Report (pdf 2.3 Mb) 2002 Biosolids Investigative Tour - France & EnglandA study tour to England and France was designed to give people involved with biosolids in Australia an opportunity to experience, first hand, how biosolids are managed in these countries, ultimately improving our management of biosolids in Australia. The tour formed part of the communication strategy for the Australian National Biosolids Research Program. The program has the overall aim of developing a sound scientific approach to assessing and implementing realistic guidelines for agricultural use of biosolids, suitable for a wide range of Australian soils and environmental conditions. Download the Final Tour Report (pdf 1.4 Mb) 2001 Horticulture Australia Recycled Water Study Tour - Israel & USA (California)Download the Final Tour Report (pdf 1.6 Mb)
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ACT water supply to last 20 years
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Queensland. Could recycled water have stopped Brisbane floods?
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