About this siteThis website is a communication outcome from the Australian Coordinator for Recycled Water use in Horticulture, funded through Horticulture Australia Limited. Outcomes from this project to the horticultural industry are made possible by the Commonwealth Government’s 50% investment in HAL’s research and development initiatives. This site is managed and maintained by Arris Pty Ltd. This website aims to provide the information and resources to help horticultural industries and their practitioners understand and learn about the diversity of water supplies and help coordinate reclamation and reuse of urban wastewater in Australian horticulture. It also aims to provide resources to improve public understanding of recycled water and the diversity of sources and uses it can be put to in the hope of achieving greater acceptance and use of recycled water. Project aims are to:
Potential benefits from irrigation with recycled water include:
Project SupportersHorticulture Australia Limited recognizes this project as important for the long-term sustainability of horticulture in Australia. The Project Officers work for Horticulture Australia Limited and on the advice of a Steering Committee approved by Horticulture Australia Limited. Over the life of the project, there has been support from Brisbane Water, Earthtech, United Water, Clarence City Council, Toowoomba Water, Water Corporation, Power and Water, SA Water, Regional Urban Water Authority, Melbourne Water, Qld EPA, Vic EPA and DPI Qld.
![]() Latest NewsAustralia. The National 2012 savewater! awards®
ACT water supply to last 20 years
Victoria opts for recycling over desal
NSW. Yuck factor of recycled sewage may not be such a big obstacle
Queensland. Could recycled water have stopped Brisbane floods?
Western Australia. We want to drink recycled water: survey
South Australia. Water research looks at underground supplies
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