Government departments Industry associations Multimedia Frequently Asked Questions What is recycled water? Is the person using recycled water safe? Is recycled water safe for use around the home? Is recycled water safe for use in agriculture? How safe is recycled water? What are the potential risks associated with recycled water? What are the common units when talking about recycled water? How do I know where recycled water is used? How do we manage any risk associated with using recycled water? How does the reclamation or treatment process work for recycling water? Can recycled water be used for agriculture and amenity horticulture? How much water is recycled in Australia? What are Australia’s water resources? What can recycled water be used for? How is recycled water defined? Why recycle our water? Why do we recycle water and allocate it to the environment? Glossary
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Why recycle our water?

Water is a precious resource, yet less than 15% of Australia's urban and industrial wastewater is recycled. Water recycling is a socially, environmentally and economically viable solution to help utilise our water resource more efficiently.

Recycling our water can offer substantial benefits to our society including:

  • Reduction of nutrient and contaminant loads into oceans and rivers
  • Providing more drinking quality water for domestic uses by substituting drinking quality water with  recycled water for irrigation of agricultural crops and amenity horticulture
  • Reducing demand and stress on freshwater resources such as the groundwater and rivers by providing alternative water supplies

There may also be benefits to agricultural and amenity enterprises through:

  • Guaranteed water supply
  • Supply of water quality underpinned with a comprehensive water quality assurance program
  • Security for investment in agricultural enterprises
  • Recycling of valuable nutrients

